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mailing lists

>Best of Security List                   majordomo@suburbia.net
>Bugtraq full disclosure list            bugtraq-request@fc.net
>CERT Advisories                         cert-advisory-request@cert.org
>Eight little green men security list    majordomo@8lgm.org
>Firewalls digest list                   majordomo@greatcircle.com
>Infsec-L Information Systems Security   listserv@etsuadmin.etsu.edu
>Intrusion detection systems             majordomo@uow.edu.au
>Legal Aspects of Computer Crime         majordomo@suburbia.net
>RISKS Forum                             risks-request@csl.sri.com
>What I am still looking for is a mailing list where the implementation 
>of WWW Server tools (search tools.......) and "where to get" can be discussed.
>Can anyone point me to a list... like this?
>At 07:09 12/7/95 PST, you wrote:
>>First of all, thanks muchly for all the help regarding Internet tunnels. (I 
>>feel so inferior in this hall of experts. *grin*)
>>I have another unrelated question: does anyone have or know where I might
>>a list of other Internet-related or Web-related lists such as this one?